

Donate To MVS
Your donations are the foundation of MVS. They cover hay, feed, bedding, supplements, minerals, veterinary expenses, rescue efforts, cleaning supplies, and the everyday operating expenses of MVS.There are a few ways to donate to MVS.
We prefer that you use the form below as we receive those funds relatively quickly

Our facebook page is another way to donate to us, however they disburse funds every 30 days, so those donations take much longer for us to receive and many times due to veterinary bills and emergencies we can’t afford to wait 30 days for funds.
We’re very appreciative of your donation which ever method you choose to use.

You can also purchase an item off of our Amazon Wish List, all of these items are needed and will help the residents of MVS.

Donate Here

Contact Us
We’ll respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible. Due to the hectic nature of a sanctuary, at times responses may be delayed. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Mountain View Sanctuary
Walsenburg, CO 81089
(719) 470-0449